bored in Buesingen


it was one of those days.

i sat in the office all day, trying hard not to fall asleep as i watched the gigantic clock tick away at the kirche (church) across the street from the centre. the afternoon was better -- i made my first page design. it wasn't exactly what i wanted, but it was a good start.

but the day's activities just didn't kick it.

21:00 comes around and i'm in my apartment, full of energy, needing to get out, and sitting with that feeling. when this happens in Buesingen, sometimes it's helpful to be a kid and be crazy.

so we did. celebrating the first day of short term, we welcomed everyone on-campus who was willing to listen to our short-term ditty and our crazy antics. yes, this is what we do when we get bored in Buesingen.

needless to say, we kicked the boredom AND the need for getting out. plus, we made a few people happy.

(in the pic: me, Luci from Romania, Elizabeth (roommate and volunteer), Victor from Brasil, and Gemmeke from the Netherlands.)

P.S. there is an increasing lack of bugs in my life. woo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. ah, so that's the explanation behind the bizarre pix
