white spots and asphyxiation


painting, painting.

this is my life. (well, it's probably not true, but bear with me here) my parents are, sweetly, paying me to paint. today was the first day that i think i hated myself for agreeing. we got up, i ate cereal, then we sanded, vacuumed, and painted sticky white primer in our sun-room. for basically the rest of the day.

this room needed a change. it was dark and ugly and ... well, i was convinced and used my convincing powers towards change. positive change. except this change involved me. painting. a LOT. and breathing in so much nastiness that i thought i probably shouldn't take a nap because i was afraid of not waking up. well, not quite, but it was pretty bad. (even now the smells of fresh paint are wafting through from the other side of the house. ick.)

BUT!! i learned a valuable lesson that you all should know about. this ooey, gooey sticky white primer is nasty stuff. but not only that, my mom mentioned that it was hard to get off of her arms.

it didn't register. until ... i was finished with the priming job (my mom long gone at an interview), covered with tiny white spots from the paint roller and exhausted from sanding, cleaning and painting. i was "washing" out the brush and the little plastic pour spout in our stainless steel kitchen sink when i realized, "OH. it's oil-based." the paint was just swirling around in the water. and sticking to the bottom. and my fingers.

now, for all of you 1) artists, familiar with oil paints and 2) people smarter than i you probably wouldn't have don't that. but i did.

i knew this: oil paint and water don't mix. but, i didn't pay any attention. until it was too late.

so, i ended up scraping the sink out with my fingernails (which are no longer as nicely shaped as the Asian man at the mall made them). and i learned my lesson. hmm.

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