Baby update


We got to see Baby today. :-) She is right where she is supposed to be (head down) and those little feet and toes are right where I thought they were - in my ribs. Her head is measuring in the 99th percentile ... which isn't exactly the funnest news for natural birthing, but great news to hear that she is doing very well in the growing category!! :-) Heartbeat looks good (143bpm), fluid level looks good, and she even has a little bit of hair on her head! That surprised us - both Jeremy and I were baldies.  And because Grandma Shunk was here to visit this week, she got to see the ultrasound with us - that was special. :-)

And guess how much she weighs?! 5 lbs and 7 oz. Wow! 5-1/2 pounds and she's still inside. We are so thankful - especially because several weeks ago when we were really scared that she was going to be a very little baby coming too soon. 

The Dr. said that things are looking very good, despite the fact that I am still 90% effaced. I tried to hint that I was tired of bedrest, but she just said, "You're almost there!" Darn. :-) No cheating for me yet.

On Saturday will mark the 34th week - that's when they will not try to stop labor if it starts and I can be a "normal" pregnant woman. One who times contractions when they come, rather than calling if I have 5-6 in an hour. A "normal" pregnant woman for a whole month! Lucky me. :-) hehe. Well, it won't exactly be normal until these last 17 days are over, but we're getting closer.

Please pray for Baby, for us, and for patience for me and I slug through the last days - these really are the hardest days because I'm just so ready to be up. We appreciate it!!
