it's here.


Oct. 30
the day we've been saying for 8 months.
the day i thought would be LONG after her arrival.
the day i have been waiting and waiting for.

AND I'M STILL PREGNANT, PEOPLE! :-) 40 weeks to be exact.

and this is the last prego picture of me you will see on here.

because if she doesn't decide to come before, November 5, 2010 will be her birthday. next Friday i'll be induced at 7 in the morning and we'll have a November Mama and Baby. :-) i'd still really really really like her to come this month (less than 48 hours left, to be sure) and come naturally, but we are confident of her due date and discussed with the doctor the pros and cons of going past 41 weeks and have decided that on Friday, Nov. 5 enough will be enough.

she is VERY low (head down), i am 100% effaced and 3cm dilated, and i have still been having contractions on and off. yesterday was relatively full of them and every time I have some "regular" ones, I think, "is this it?!" and then i fall asleep and nothing happens. so still waiting for those significant call-the-doctor (!) contractions and they haven't come yet.

so hopefully today i can enjoy the beautiful leaves and weekend and wait in expectation for next Friday or before. instead of being a poor, impatient wench. haha.

Sweetie Pea, you still have a chance to come in October! That would make everyone so happy!

Will update the blog when something does happen. Never fear far-away friends, I will. :-)


  1. Elizabeth7:30 PM

    I check your blog as if I am obsessed! I am waiting with you! :)

  2. You are beautiful!! And so close! I just know she will come soon for ya! Those last hours are FOR-EV-ER!! Hang in there- Hugs and prayers! love ya! can't wait to hear the news!!

  3. Anonymous10:00 PM

    You are so stinking cute! In 2 more hours she will officially be late! Come on, Sweetie Pea! I'm obsessed right there with Elizabeth. I check my phone about every 10 seconds. No joke. I've started explaining myself at work because it's really interfering. HAHA!

  4. thanks sweet friends!! i CAN'T WAIT to tell you something is happening!!

    soon, I tell you, soon. :-) thanks for waiting with me.
