2 more days.


some moments i have to remind myself to breathe - it's so strange to go into it knowing when she'll come! i'm nervous and scared and excited and CAN'T wait to get this baby girl outta me - all at the same time.

here's to praying and hoping that...
- labor is quick
- she comes without complications
- Mama doesn't freak out
- and Daddy doesn't faint on me. :-)

if you are a pray-er and would like to join us in praying for the inevitable appearance of Miss Baby Shunk, please do! Friday, Nov 5, 2010 - 7 am CST time we will be at the hospital getting prepped for induction. Please pray for the above as well as peace and health. And then, be anticipating thanking God with us!!! :-)

Can't wait to share good news.



  1. I have been thinking of you a lot, friend! Every day, I watch my phone like a hawk, hoping that "maybe TODAY, she will come on her own!" ;-) Thinking of and praying for you!

  2. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Lisa---We'll definitely be praying and will be ready to thank God for Little Baby Girl Shunk's arrival!

  3. Very excited for you and I'll be praying!

  4. Elizabeth9:41 PM

    We are praying often!

  5. Nicole3:29 AM

    Thinking of you and still hoping she decides to surprise you all before tomorrow! :-)

  6. It's getting closer -- exciting!

  7. Elizabeth7:05 AM

    Today is the day!!!! YAY!
