Goals are good.


I'm not one for making "resolutions" and following the crowd in making (and breaking) New Year's resolutions every year.

But I recognize that you won't get where you want to go without goals ... and I think that making fresh goals is good. Good goals, reachable goals. And the start of something new (like a year) is a good time to do it - in theory. But, I fail, I forget, I go back to my (lazy?) ways. But really, I want to live well. Live on purpose. And make the most of my existence. Starting today, everyday possible, and not waste my life.

But really, this is hard to do! When I get sick (can we say 2010?), tired, caught up in the details, lazy or just plain forget, my goals fly out the window.

So, this year, I'm starting fresh and want to determine to revisit my goals every month, be accountable for them and take small, do-able steps to make my goals reality. So, if I need to revise, edit, or change my goals ... I will.

Feel free to ask, during the year, how my goals are coming. Actually, I'd appreciate that accountability with you. And I'll mention them here and there as I revisit and revise.

What are your reachable goals for 2011?

Tell me in the comments or link to your blog!

- create a family routine in the evening, especially including the spiritual, with the girl
- join a small group (through church)
- get a job :-)
- make and use a budget
- work out 2 times a week (or more)
- meal plan for at least 2 meals a week
- send out more cards of encouragement
- thrift a couple times a month for my ultimate year-end goal, opening an Etsy shop

1 comment:

  1. Here are my goals for this year... plus to successfully do project life (on my blog)
