I was bored the other day. I even hate saying that I was bored, because you might say, "Well, what's your problem?! Use your time wisely. Make the most of what you have, for heaven's sake!"
And I'd say, "Well, it was a bored/restless feeling." I was stressed out about the job situation (lack thereof), feeling a little down, needing a pick-me-up or something. There were still several hours before Jeremy would make it home (in fact, I think he'd just left) and I needed to get the girl and myself out of the house.
So. I went shopping.
Before I even left the house, I knew going shopping wouldn't make me happy. I knew it wouldn't make me feel better. I knew it wouldn't satisfy me. But, knowing all of this, I still charged right through - ignoring my feelings - for some retail therapy. Knowing I really should sit with it and relax and maybe go for a walk, I went ahead, hopped in the car, and drove away to look at furniture, rugs and vases.
It didn't help.
Funny, how I did it anyway. Funny how I shop instead of think. Shop instead of feel. This is so ... "consumeristic" of me. So typically female. So American.
I normally avoid this, but I fell right back into the easy way and old habits die hard.
I ask myself, "Is this the example I want to be setting for my child?" (No.) "Is this what I want her to turn to when she's feeling down?" (No.) "Is stuff really going to make anything better?" (No.)
Is this how I want to live my life?
Hop on over to Rage Against the Minivan and read this funny and insightful post about raising kids in the first world. It's something I think about quite often and have no idea how I am going to accomplish raising my children in our world of stuff and more and more stuff, but I'm going to try. More on this to come.
Oh, no you don't....your Mom and me, could not stand it!!