Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

new legs! {hairpin table legs, that is}


A little project last weekend made me VERY happy. I'll admit up front that it's not earth-shattering or extremely shocking and beautiful. But for me, it's amazing.

Backstory: I've tried to be content with my kitchen table for the last 5 years and for the most part I have been. Jeremy got it for free before we got married and we've used it ever since. I've been thankful to have a table. Really.

But honestly, I've hated how it looks. Even with paint and recovering, the chairs and table legs would just be ugly. I have worked hard to see any redeeming decorative qualities, and/or ways to make it prettier, but I just can't.

So maybe a year ago I realized that I liked the top just fine (it was easy to clean!!), so maybe I could change out the legs. Then, I saw these legs sticking out of the dumpster and got excited.

It ended up that those legs weren't easily removable, so I traded that whole table in for my other craft table. But, we were back to square one with our kitchen table.

Then I recently ran into leg inspiration found here, here and here. And after letting hairpin legs grow on me, I was sold. Those I could do this!

So this weekend, I did.



It looks cleaner, simpler, more modern with a little bit of industrial. Love! 
(Hairpin legs found here.)

With a few #10 screws and a few drill recharges, it was Lisa's oh happy day! I am working to replace all of the chairs with mismatched, thrifted chairs and will update when that is finished, but for now, REJOICE!


little handsome man - onesie vest and bowtie diy


Lately I've been honing my sewing skills by upcycling an old pair of my dad's dress pants into a cute little size 18 month onesie vest and bowtie complete with little shorts! My nephew needed something to wear to a family wedding, and my sister found THIS inspiration. I offered to try. And it worked!

There was no tutorial, but I pretty much copied it exactly from the picture... with a green polka dot bowtie and pocket square and three buttons instead of two. But pretty much the same.

I drew out my own rough pattern on old packing paper so I'd at least get both sides of the vest symmetrical - and the rest came together so quickly! I found a thrifted napkin (seen here) that would work perfectly and hoped that polka dots wouldn't be too feminine.

Um, how baby manly can you get?! :-)

Then I tried my hand at little shorts - mostly using Dana's pant tutorial and a pair of Ladybug's old jeans. I used the old waistband from the pants and had a few trial and error/imperfections to work out, but on the whole I'm pleased. My favorite parts are the little faux front pockets and the little coordinating fabric in the back.


Now we just have to wait and see if they fit this little guy for his uncle's wedding. I'll update and get pictures of it on this sweet guy after the wedding in June!

Update: With the exception of rolling up the shorts, it fit! See it on him HERE

DIY Mason Jar Gift Idea - Fill with Dried Fruit


Pretty, fun and yummy, don't you think? (Bottom up: cranberries, kiwi, strawberries and pineapple)

Happy Wednesday!

Garage sale score! - plant stand makeover


I spotted this little guy driving by a neighborhood garage sale last weekend. I immediately had visions of yellow paint and a pretty plant for our stairwell.

$1 score!



I had to use a little wood filler on a one leg because of some stray dog bites (if you remember this!), sanded and painted it yarrow root yellow. I put two coats of polycrylic to seal the top where a little water may spill. Then I placed it in our teeny tiny stair-landing.

Then, I did a little plant research to see what plant might be good for a very low light area - and I loved this one! It's called a "snake plant" or a "mother-in-law's tongue" (haha), stands straight up, and tolerates extreme neglect. Sold.

I searched for the closest nursery to our home and we took a little trip to snag this baby. And I love it! (Now I just need to find the right pot to put it in - I'm hoping to thrift something else - so for now it's resting on a salad plate.)

Can't wait to share a few more furniture transformations as well as a new vegetable gardening approach - I just can't seem to give it up!

Before and After: Garage sale chair


I've been collecting items for this year's Market - but before I really dig into those projects, I have a few items sitting around from last year that really need attention. I also need the space in our basement.

Remember the post about this lovely garage sale find last February? Incredibly enough, it is finished!! Finally.

Here is the BEFORE:

And the AFTER!! can you tell I'm excited?

After I stripped 'er down, I painted it with Annie Sloan chalk paint in Old White. My paint was a little bit thick, so I'm happy it distresses and sands so well. 

I put a coat of clear wax on top and it is super smooth to touch. 

Then, with the help of my amazing dad and his air compressor stapler, we upholstered this baby with hardware store drop cloth. I love the nuances and imperfections in the fabric. Plus, it's really sturdy fabric and easy to use in upholstering.

After a couple of hours, a few wrong cuts and learn-as-you-go mistakes from amateur (first time!) upholsterers, we were satisfied with the result.

Then this weekend I finished up with natural colored gimp trim and my trusty mini hot glue gun (and yes! it's totally legal in upholstery). 

I am slightly enamored to have finished this project. And I kind of love the result. {Ahem.}

Ninjago Birthday Card DIY


One of my piano students shares a birthday with my mom (Happy Birthday Mom!) so I celebrated with an awesome card and some of her favorite candy.

She is also a tomboy, hates pretty much everything girly and loves the color green. For her birthday party she went to a "ninja place" - and her favorite show to watch is Ninjago.

RIGHT. Like this mother-of-a-2-year-old knows anything about Ninjago. (I do Baby Einstein, ABCs and Twinkle, Twinkle, not school or Legos or haute kid TV shows.) 

But I digress. So Google was my friend and there was an easy peasy Ninjago idea for multiple things - perfect for an easy card.

I printed off a sample birthday invitation with a good facing photo and printed it off at about 50% of its original size to fit a card. Then I cut the main shape out for a template.

I was going to use black cardstock for the eyes/brows but I had no black cardstock! So I went to plan b and sketched the eyes/brows directly on the yellow cardstock piece cut from the template and then filled it in with a permanent marker.

Perfect! Glue yellow piece on green (her favorite color), cut out a matching piece for writing ease inside and glue.

Pretty impressive for this non-Ninjago Mama, huh? :-)

Except then she told me her favorite Ninjago ninja was blue... ha! Can't get everything right.

March's Loaf - Irish Brown Soda Bread


Irish Brown Soda Bread seemed just right for March's loaf on a cold day supper involving a broccoli-cilantro soup.

A wheaty, dense loaf that has no yeast - so there is no resting/raising time required. Just needs about 45 minutes to bake. However, a soda bread really needs to be eaten freshly warm and in one sitting - because it doesn't last as well as yeast breads.  


After cutting a 1/2" deep cross in the center of the dough, this baby raised in the oven like there was no tomorrow! I love the lack of symmetry in this crusty, handmade loaf.

Happy St. Patty's day, folks! 

See previous loaves here:
January's Loaf
February's Loaf 

**As usual, I'm not going to detail the recipes for sake of time (and my sanity with a 2year old!), but if you'd like a recipe just email me at lisamarie (dot) de (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll be happy to send you a copy.

Ombre Four-leaf Clover St. Patty's Day Banner


Using this tutorial for a "Shamrock Barrette" I made an Ombre Four-Leaf Clover banner. Just for fun and to quiet down our wall from So Many Hearts.

(If I would've actually pinned it, I could've qualified it as another Pinterest project! Isn't it sad that I have to try to do that?! haha.)

It's rather labor intensive (as far as crafting goes), so if you have the time/patience to cut out and hand sew 60+ little clover leaves, you should!

I rather think it's festive, simple, yet fun. (15 clovers = 3 colored sheets of felt @ 25 cents a piece makes for a rather inexpensive project too! the squares on the ends are some scraps...)

We aren't celebrating Irish in our family (although aren't we part Irish, Dad?), but adding some GREEN to wintry March is so very appropriate in my opinion.

A few other green sparks ...


and here.


February's Loaf -- (Orange Cinnamon Swirl Bread)


For February's loaf it seemed appropriate to go sweet.

I had no problem with this.

How does Orange Cinnamon Swirl Bread sound? I'll take some thank-you-very-much!

The process was a lot like cinnamon rolls, except no cutting - and the result was not gooey rolls but a moist, delicious hot slice of orangey heaven! There was 3/4 cup fresh squeezed orange juice and plenty of orange peel involved.

Taste perfection! I still am having odd issues with my oven - the bread is splitting on one side. I may just have to live with that, but I'd love to know why. Maybe one side of my oven is hotter than the other? Have any ideas bakers?

See past loaves here:
January's Loaf

** I'm not going to detail the recipes for sake of time (and my sanity with a 2year old!), but if you'd like a recipe just email me at lisamarie (dot) de (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll be happy to send you a copy.

a few Valentine hearts


Ladybug and I made valentines today. I kept forgetting to put up pictures of the heart strings I made and hung in our kitchen for a little bit of festive (and inexpensive!) fun. 

We made a stack of simple, stamped valentines. All her idea, you know. :-)

And enjoyed gazing up at the hearts. Especially when the heat blows on and they start dancing. 

What fun. 

Simple and sweet. What are your Valentine's Day plans? 

My first Pinterest project - done!


After Christmas decorations come down, the house always seems a little empty. I was thinking about this before I even took things down (we celebrated the 12 days of Christmas this year and I was SO ready to get our house back to its previously less cluttered state, not to mention my sweet 2-year old had ransacked our tree and, alone, it was looking pretty sad). Then I read this post and immediately agreed.

How about something winter that isn't so holiday? Winter wreaths! I was drawn to this one and loved (and pinned!) the idea.

I've been going room to room MAJORLY decluttering/simplifying and came across my really soft, really long skinny knit scarf. I debated back and forth and decided that I really did like it, but I didn't really wear it. But, it was one of the few things I put back to decide on later. And boy am I glad I did!

I finally was able to fulfill my *goal* of doing a Pinterest project. Ha! (Good job, Lisa!)

It's not nearly as elegant and chunky and cushy as the white scarf used for the wreath above, but it totally worked for my purposes. It also isn't white (obviously) which would've been more wintry and versatile, but I'm reusing what a can, yes?! It will last through Valentine's day as a pink something and maybe beyond 'til spring - I like color.

I already had a wreath form and had to cover some pokey ends with tape so they didn't snag but while Ladybug was splashing around in the tub, I put this baby together in 5 minutes (yes, seriously, just like the tutorial says). I made a few adjustments, and tied the ends with a clear hair tie.

(Can you see it here?)

And there you have it. 

I asked Jeremy what he thought and he was less impressed than I was. I guess he's not a fan of yarn decorations, so I'll give him that.
Don't worry, love, it won't last forever. :-)